2017 in review: Remembering some of the great co-operators we have lost

The movement said a sad farewell to important figures such as Barbara Dure, Trevor Bottomley and Robin Murray

Roy Stuttard (1933-2017)

A dedicated co-operator, movement historian and educator: Roy Stuttard, whose life in the movement saw him go from Co-op dairy worker to historian, has died aged 83. After moving to Leicester in 1958, he became deeply involved in the movement. He worked for some years at the Co-op dairy and was a member of the board of the then-Leicester Co-op Society. He was also an active member of the Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers (USDAW).

Roy Stuttard was a dedicated co-operator and movement historian

Barbara Dure (1925-2017)

Outspoken co-operator and activist: Barbara Dure, was the final president of the Plymouth and South-West Co-op. Barbara began attending classes run by the Co-op Education Committee, which first ignited her connection with the movement. At some point in the 1930s she shared a table with Aneurin Bevan at a Labour and Co-op function, which made a great impression on her. Half a century later, she was to share a platform with another firebrand, Ken Livingstone, who she did not hold in quite the same esteem.

Barbara Dure was a mainstay of co-operation in the south west

Michael Jones (1932-2017)

Turned family jeweller into a co-op: Michael Jones, who died aged 85, took over the family jewellery business in 1960, and 10 years later he decided to convert it into a co-op and hand to the staff. He also founded Northampton and Banbury firm Michael Jones Jeweller and cofounded the Daily Bread
Co-operative – a Christian workers’ co-op specialising in packing and selling wholefoods – in 1976.

Michael Jones

Trevor Bottomley

Co-op development expert and educator: Trevor Bottomley had a career that saw him develop co-ops overseas with roles at the International Co-operative Alliance and the Co-operative Union. At the Alliance he was as chief executive for education and development, where he founded two educational advisory bodies – CEMAS and AGITCOOP.

Trevor Bottomley helped co-op development around the world

Paul Bull (1957-2017)

Co-op Party councillor, delegate and activist: Paul Bull was a long-standing activist for the Co-operative Party. He sat as South West delegate to the national executive committee since and represented the Party on Exeter City Council, where he was the lead for communities and culture.

Paul Bull at the Co-op Party conference in 2013

Pam Walker (1953-2017)

A leading light of co-operative education: Pam Walker was a gifted teacher and a natural co-operator whose talents came together when she became the member education officer for the Ipswich and Norwich Co-operative Society.

Pam Walker was a leading educator in the movement

Robin Murray (1940-2017)

Visionary co-operator, radical economist and Fairtrade pioneer Co-operation has always drawn visionary thinkers: Robin Murray was one. An associate of Co-operatives UK from 2010, alongside a host of distinguished affiliations, such as the London School of Economics (LSE) and the Young Foundation, he was educated at Balliol College, Oxford, and at the LSE. He then joined the London Business School, where he lectured in economics, moving to the Institute of Development Studies, at the University of Sussex, where he was a Fellow for 20 years.

Robin Murray was one of the great visionaries of the movement

• More from 2017 at 2017 In Review