2024 End of Year Q&A: Iñigo Albizuri Landazabal

Head of global public affairs, Mondragon Corporation and president, workers, social and producers’ co-ops apex Cicopa

At the end of each year, we ask co-op and mutual leaders from around the world to reflect on their organisation and sector – and this year, on the UN International Year of Cooperatives theme: Co-ops Build a Better World. Read the December 2024 Q&As here.

How do co-ops build a better world?

Co-operatives build a better world because we, co-operatives, distribute wealth in a better way. And we are an antidote to inequality. Euskadi, where Mondragon is based, is a good example of this argument because in the areas where there are more co-operatives there is a better Gini index (which measures inequality). But the co-operative model is also more inclusive and tolerant of minorities and disadvantaged groups, because we take more and better care of our environment and our communities. A very revealing fact is that the workplace accident rate in our co-operatives is half that of the sector in the same environment. 

This is just an example but it is further proof that co-operatives build a better world. History shows that co-operatives have dedicated themselves to solving social problems not resolved by institutions. We have solved consumer problems, the access to housing market or the access to a decent work according to social needs in every community and every moment.

And the funny thing is that we have done it in all the countries of the world for more than 100 years with the same principles and values.

That is why co-operatives build a better world and we want to continue doing so.

What should the International Year of Cooperatives achieve – and how is your organisation working towards that?

The International Year of Cooperatives is a great opportunity to make ourselves known to the world, because despite being 1.2 billion, we are still a great unknown. It is an opportunity to become aware of who we are and show co-operative pride. An opportunity to come out of the closet. For years, many of us co-operative members have felt less than the capital companies that are the mainstream. We have to claim our role not only in society but in the economy. Because we are profitable enterprises that compete in the market, and this is not always perceived that way. We need to explain to governments how our dual role – economic and social – helps, as the United Nations says, to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. And that is why we need more adapted legislation that favours the creation of co=operatives.

And I also think that enjoying and celebrating the year is important. And from Mondragon and Cicopa, we will actively participate in the many events that are scheduled for 2025. Let’s participate and enjoy them!