Filene Research Institute launches research centre for credit unions

The Filene Research Institute has launched a centre focused on performance and operational excellence in credit unions.

The initiative – sponsored by Fiserv with additional support from Alliant Credit Union and Christian Financial Credit Union – will explore progressive management practices and operational behaviour.

Headed by Hayagreeva Rao, professor of organisational behaviour and human resources at Stanford University, the centre expects to complete its first report later this year.

The findings will be presented at a research colloquium hosted by Prof Rao in Palo Alto.

Research areas will include running current operations while innovating for advantage; identifying and addressing challenges of creating consumer-focused cultures; and outlining mechanisms to foster exchange of experience among credit unions.

The centre is one of the five centres of excellence to be launched by Filene in the coming months.

“Fiserv decided to support this effort because performance and operational excellence are key factors in the future success of all credit unions,” said Barbra Lowman, senior vice president, account processing, at Fiserv.

“The research and engagement opportunities that come out of this research centre will help build the credit union movement of tomorrow.”

The five centres aim to explore topics relevant to credit unions and their members. The other centres will look at consumer decision making, organisational entrepreneurship, emerging technology and war for talent.

“I am particularly excited about the launch of this research centre as it focuses on the sustainability of credit unions,” said Mark Meyer, chief executive of Filene.

“Our generous sponsors understand the need for our industry to improve efficiency while meeting changing consumer demands and we are thankful for their leadership and support.”