Charity receives £59,000 from co-op community

Over the last year, Lincolnshire Co-op has raised £59,201 for its charity partner, MS Society.

Colleagues and customers donned orange outfits, sold pin badges in stores and held raffles and bake sales to raise the funds, which will go to people in Lincolnshire directly affected by MS. The total would pay for 150 home adaptations, 75 adapted cars and 275 short breaks.

Lincolnshire Co-op’s community engagement manager Sam Turner said: “From colleagues in our food stores teaming up to climb Snowdon, to staff from head office completing the Yorkshire Three Peaks challenge, the hard work and effort everyone has shown this past year is really wonderful and I’m so pleased we’ve raised this fantastic amount.”

The charity was formed in 1953 and funds research into stem cells, immunology, symptom relief and MS services, as well as experiments on animals.

Lincolnshire Co-op, set up in 1861, has over 215 outlets, owned by around 250,000 members and, in 2015, the dividend payout to members was almost £3.4m.

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