New executive director for Worldwide Foundation for Credit Unions

Mike Reuter comes new to the credit union movement after more than 10 years leading non-profit organisations

The Worldwide Foundation for Credit Unions has appointed Mike Reuter as its new executive director.

New to the credit union movement, Mr Reuter comes with over 10 years of leadership experience in non-profit organisations.

The Foundation is the official gift-receiving and field engagement arm of the World Council of Credit Unions (Woccu), itself the global trade association and development agency for credit unions.

Mr Reuter will focus on leading the strategic vision for the Foundation, placing a strong emphasis on maximising revenue opportunities, streamlining operations and engaging new audiences to implement specific fundraising initiatives.

Michael Reuter has joined the Worldwide Foundation for Credit Unions as executive director

Over the past five years he has served as executive director of the Roch County Historical Society. In this role he raised funds for the society through a range of channels, developing special programmes and five-year strategies. He helped double the society’s budget from USD $200,000 when he started to USD $530,000.

“We are pleased to have Mike join the team. His experience as a strategist and visionary position him well in his new role and the path going forward for the Worldwide Foundation,” said Brian Branch, Woccu president and chief executive.

Mr Reuter will take over from Calyn Ostrowski, who will now focus primarily on growing the Global Women’s Leadership Network, set up by Woccu in 2009 to tackle the the gender gap within the credit union movement.

The Foundation had a total income of USD $1.592m in 2016. Its projects focus on areas including disaster assistance, credit union technical assistance, partnership programmes and educational assistance.