Scotmid Co-operative backs community tea events to fight crime

The society says it is committed to helping ensure its stores and surrounding areas are ‘safe and welcoming’

Crimestoppers Scotland has partnered with Scotmid Co-op to tackle crime by running a series of community tea events.

The CommuniTea events – a platform for people to speak up about crime anonymously – will be hosted by community groups across Scotland. Scotmd partners will be supplying tea hampers filled with food and refreshments for those taking part.

Crimestoppers Scotland, which launched the initiative to celebrate its 30th anniversary, aims to put communities at the heart of its fight to tackle crime. During 2017/2018, the charity received 15,718 pieces of actionable information in Scotland, up 17% on the previous year.

Minister for community safety Ash Denham said: “Scotland continues to be a safe place to live with recorded crime at its lowest level for 44 years. The Scottish government’s vision is of a safe, just and resilient country where people can live their lives safe from harm.

“Crimestoppers provide a vital service and these ‘CommuniTea’ events are an excellent way to build support for the organisation and increase public awareness of how they can help make Scotland’s communities safer. Crimestoppers’ contribution to reducing crime over the past 30 years has been invaluable and I would like to congratulate them on their anniversary.”

Jim McFedries, head of profit protection and security at Scotmid, said: “Scotmid are proud to support Crimestoppers Scotland and the brilliant CommuniTea events. As a community convenience retailer, Scotmid stores are situated right at the heart of local areas across Scotland and our core purpose is to serve communities and to improve people’s everyday lives.

“Helping to ensure our stores and the surrounding areas are safe and welcoming is a key part of that, which fits perfectly with Crimestoppers Scotland’s ethos.”

The events will run from summer till autumn. Those interested in hosting a tea party event can learn more by visiting or calling 020 8835 3700.