
Co-operation: a tool for the next government?

Cliff Mills, a co-operative consultant with Anthony Collins Solicitors LLP, on how can co-operation contribute to…

A co-operative answer to the UK’s housing crisis?

'There are a number of areas that the government can focus on to help stimulate the…

Interview: Debbie White, chair of the Co-op Group

‘It’s so important to draw on our core principles and think about who we are and…

Will co-op housing be on the main parties’ agendas?

With the UK's housing crisis continuing to worsen, the co-op and community-led model offers a possible…

Members’ money: UK retail societies and withdrawable share capital

From their earliest beginnings, co-operatives were set up to meet the needs of people, not to…

Reflections on the 3rd co-operative principle

Jean-Louis Bancel shares his view on the 3rd co-operative principle

Key takeaways from Romania’s Enterprising for Tomorrow conference

The conference featured 36 Romanian and European speakers

Nationwide plan to buy Virgin Money divides analysts and members

The £2.9bn deal would mark an expansion for the UK mutuals sector – but some of…

Co-op Group slashes debt and posts pre-tax profit of £28m

'Despite the continued challenging economic backdrop, we've delivered a world class sales performance with all our…

Can co-ops beat the cash crisis threatening the UK’s regions?

Campaigns from Cles, Co-operatives UK, Save Birmingham and the Co-op Party are calling for new models…

Obituary: Caroline Tendler, co-op campaigner and educator

'Everything Caroline did was informed by her values and principles that she held so close to…

Co-ops and disability: New ways to meet people’s needs

Researcher Steve Graby organised an event bringing together representatives of the co-op and disabled people's movements