Indonesia and Timor-Leste commit to strengthen the co-op region

The two nations signed a memorandum of understanding in Jakarta

Cocoa co-ops in Ghana join forces

83 cocoa co-op unions are coming together to form the new association

Lessons from Fairtrade International’s living income for farmers strategy

'Based on this project, our farmers now have a better understanding of the costs and income…

World Fair Trade Organization launches AI-powered sustainability platform

The tool will support SMEs around the world looking to reduce their environmental impact

Funding awarded to Singapore co-ops to enhance fair employment practices

25 co-ops have received Singapore $4,000 (£2,355) each

USAid co-op development programme launches in Madagascar

The Cooperative Ecosystem and Social Inclusion project will be implemented from October 2023 to September 2028,…

How can co-ops bridge divided communities? Advice from Protection Approaches

In an increasingly divided world, what role do co-ops have to play in building strong, cohesive…

Cross-border traders finding strength in co-operatives

The co-op model offers protection and chance to pool resources for women trading between Rwanda and…

Co-ops used to formalise economy in Senegal

The ILO highlights how its work is supporting Senegal's economic development through the 'strategic use of…

US organic farmers’ co-op introduces carbon payments for members

Organic Valley intends to be carbon neutral by 2050

Applications open for International Credit Union Development Educators class of 2024

The cohort will be recognised at the 2024 World Credit Union Conference in Boston, USA

Trinidad and Tobago look at reforms to strengthen credit union sector

Proposals include establishing an Independent Co-operative Authority to regulate the country’s co-op sector