EU international development budget recognises co-ops

Cooperatives Europe welcomed the recognition of co-ops as development actors contributing to sustainable development

Co-ops react to EU provisional CAP reform agreement

The deal will see 25% of the direct payments budget set aside to fund new eco-schemes

Worldwide Foundation for Credit Unions distributes 30,000 masks to five countries

The masks were donated by the National Credit Union Federation of Korea

Co-ops answer the call for a war on waste

The zero waste initiatives being pioneered by European retail co-ops

Credit union opens first 3D printed commercial building in the US

Tennessee Valley Federal Credit Union opened the two-storey, 6,000 sq ft branch in Chattanooga

Namibian co-op uses BioTrade principles

A UNCTAD case study tells the story of a women's co-op in Namibia

CECOP congress reelects Giuseppe Guerini as president

CECOP's new board includes 13 co-operators from across Europe

Social and solidarity economy actors seen as key to building a circular economy in France

A new map features over 1,500 circular economy actors from across seven French regions

Juan Antonio Pedreño reelected president of Social Economy Europe

He will be working alongside the same team of vice-presidents

Dutch healthcare co-op launches online marketplace platform

Platform users can access meeting rooms, tools, stock, furniture, equipment and staff, depending on their needs…

Ukrainian parliament discusses new credit union law

The law would allow credit unions in the country to expand their range of financial services

Irish credit union assesses social return on investment

A study found that for every euro equivalent invested into Donore CU, €10 of social value…