Co-operatives East Midlands discusses food justice at times of crisis

Co-operators explored local solutions to food insecurity

International Cooperative Alliance sets up G20 Working Group

The working group will collaborate with members of the Italian Cooperative Alliance to contribute to the…

US co-ops welcome Biden’s infrastructure plan

Electric co-operatives were included in the plan

GYF21 looks at the role of co-ops in youth empowerment

'Co-ops can put youth in a situation to act, do, and experience things'

Lessons from the frontline of co-op development

Emile G. Nadeau's new book is a must read for development co-operators and community organisers

Women co-operators explore gender equality progress in the context of Covid-19

An ICA webinar looked at what more the movement could do to support women

Germany holds National Co-operative Energy Congress

Dr Andreas Wieg reports from the country's National Co-operative Energy Congress

Co-operative resilience in the financial sector: a European perspective

Nina Schindler explores the impact of the pandemic on co-operative banks and the future priorities for…

CFCFE conference showcases successful Irish credit union mergers

Mergers can bring benefits of scale and an increased talent pool – but need to be…

Health co-ops continue to battle against Covid-19

'Our co-op identity commits us to a humanised healthcare approach ... that places people at the…

Derbyshire co-operators look at issue of violence against women

'This is an issue that runs very deep in our society, but we can all do…

Why are co-ops relevant in a time of political and economic crisis?

'Co-ops don’t exist in a vacuum, they work with other organisations, creating networks of solidarity'