Plane Saver Credit Union reaches 15,000 membership milestone

The credit union works to address concerns about rising levels of debt among armed forces personnel

Arla Foods reports positive half-yearly results but warns about hard Brexit impact

Arla argues that external factors that could negatively impact its full year expectations

Co-op sector responds to joint statement of purpose from global corporations

NCBA Clusa CEO Doug O’Brien insisted co-ops are still the main businesses building an economy for…

Lakeland Dairies co-op announces 68 redundancies

The co-op said the Monaghan site had seen significant and recurring losses prior to the merger

Woccu helps Venezuelan refugees in Colombia access financial services

Woccu says the pilot has led to greater financial inclusion and education, as well as social…

Meet… Brandi Stankovic of CU Solutions

Brandi Stankovic shares her thoughts on credit unions in the UK and the USA – and…

Octopus and Co-op Energy agree takeover deal

The deal, completed for an undisclosed sum, will increase Octopus’s customer base to over a million

Co-op Party condemns suspension of Parliament

The Party's chair, secretary general and Northern Ireland office have all condemned the move

US agricultural co-ops continue to consolidate

Between 2007 to 2017, an average 70 co‑ops were consolidated each year, with farmers demanding greater…

Filene pledges to transform US credit unions through cutting edge research

Each centre will focus on an area of research, such as data governance or consumers' changing…

Fewer farming co-ops in the UK but with an increased turnover

'There’s a need to get our act together and demonstrate that by co-operating we are stronger…

UK’s co-ops turned over £37.7bn in 2019

The report shows that rural economies are the most co-operative in the UK