US Congress increases funds for international co-op development

The Cooperative Development Program has had funding increased to $12m for the year, to support co-op…

The annual co-op report: finances remain steady, while membership grows

The collective turnover of UK co-operatives stands at £35.7bn, says the report – and an extra…

Co-ops call on new French parliament to help the sector grow

New president Emmanuel Macron has won a large majority in the legislature – and the co-op…

EU recognises co-ops as important part of the collaborative economy

The latest report also looks at issues surrounding regulation, competition, tax, workers' rights and the labour…

Artists’ platform co-op Stocksy signs content distribution deal with Adobe

The agreement gives Stocksy’s artists a new platform to showcase their work through Adobe’s suite of…

US co-ops join list of 600 organisations opposing Donald Trump’s rural cuts

NCBA CLUSA is one of several co-op names who fear the axed programmes will bring hardship…

Nutrinor co-op to acquire new creamery to become a Quebec agrifood leader

The co-op plans to expand its presence in the domestic fine cheeses market and move outside…

Canada’s housing co-ops gather to discuss the need for affordable homes

CHF Canada is looking at ways to leverage its real estate to secure new investments and…

New plastic film developed to help Co-op Group hit recycling target

The Group is partnered with a specialist firm, Coveris, which has created the new product to…

How to find investors for your co-op: Accentuate the positive

A report by Ethex found that more than half of Britons are interested in ethical saving…

Co-op Group’s stake in Bank could be cut to less than 5%, say reports

The speculation follows reports that a group of hedge fund bondholders are the leading contenders in…

Online tool eases the path to registering new farm co-ops in Australia

The 'Co-op builder' has been designed to help farmers deal with regulatory forms and understand legal…