Co-op Group’s new depot to create 1,200 jobs and grow business in the south

'This is an exciting development, we believe a strong Co-op can create stronger communities'

US community credit union group unveils its new Inclusiv brand at national conference

A delegation from UK sector body Abcul attended to share ideas and innovations

Platform co-op movement gathers in Hong Kong for its global conference

For Asia, platform co-ops, a global commons, and co-operative hardware offer vital alternatives, writes Trebor Scholz

Applications open for funding through the Energy Industry Voluntary Redress Scheme

Local authorities and other organisations, including co-ops or community benefit societies, can play a role in…

Scotmid Co-op’s ‘luckiest store in Scotland’ scoops Community Heroes award

'So many incredibly positive things have happened here over the past six months'

Sixty new homes for members of Argentinian worker co-op

'It has been a long road and the recipients of these 60 homes have fought hard…

Tameside co-operative pioneers a new approach to sharing digital infrastructure

The co-op is bringing together local authorities, the NHS and local businesses to share digital infrastructure…

Credit unions to benefit from Basel’s revised stress testing principles

The decision represents a big win for the World Council of Credit Unions

Co-ops among the winners at the Community Energy Awards

Successes on the night include the Schools' Energy Cooperative, Mean Moor Wind Farm and Energy4All

First community-run sports academy to open in 2023 in Northern Ireland

The Co-op Group’s charity, the Co-op Foundation, invested £50,000 into the community share offer

Co-op College project shortlisted for the RBS Skills and Opportunities Fund

The project aims to enable 25 young people between 16 and 24 in the community of…

ICA launches international co-op think tank

The group of co-ops will serve as a strategic hub for the co-op movement