Meet… Alex Bird, co-op researcher, consultant and development worker

'As a movement we’re not very joined up ... but the commonalities are surely much greater…

Who rules Britain – and how did they get there?

Academic Mike Wayne calls for 'dominant forms of productive property are held, through a diversity of…

MPs debate on co-ops and mutuals to mark Co-op Fortnight

Members from all parties praised the contribution of the sector to communities and to the economy

Heart Of England Co-op returns to its roots – and looks back on its past

The society has moved its head office to Foleshill - a stone's throw from where it…

Where next for co-op development organisations?

The sector has been in decline – so how can it be revived to help the…

Co-op Party launches manifesto for Northern Ireland

One-day conference launches the document, which sets out plans for extensive economic, political and social development…

Inspiration and support at Co-op Fortnight event

Midcounties and Co-operative Futures offer guidance and support for would-be co-ops

Oxford marks Co-op Fortnight with event looking at ways to build the sector

'Co-ops put local people first by ploughing money back into local businesses and making better decisions'

How can co-ops build a fairer economy? Co-op Congress looks to grow the movement

Co-ops are 'for public benefit, not private benefit', delegates are told in sessions that look at…

Co-op Group wins Leading Co-op of the Year award for 2019

Other winners include South Tyneside Council, Bristol Wood Recycling Project and The Schools’ Energy Co-op

English community pub programme receives £2.2m round of funding

Plunkett Foundation will use the money to roll out the new round of the More Than…

Irish credit unions look to increase loan rates – and cap savings

The sector has been hit by higher costs and reduced demand for lending