Co-op Group roadshow takes the message to local communities

‘My call out to co-operators is come along if you can, but also bring a friend and show them how great the Co-op is at supporting the community’

Co-op Group members and shoppers will have a chance to find out more about the society at a series of ‘Join in Live’ events this autumn.

The Group will visit 24 towns and cities across the UK so people can learn more about what it is doing in their local community, meet local causes being supported through the membership scheme and discover how they benefit when members shop in its stores.

In addition, attendees can put forward ideas about what they would like to see in their local Co-op store, learn how the Group is performing as a business and find out about the exciting plans it has for the future.

The events will be attended by local Members’ Council representatives, Member Pioneers who work in the community, and senior managers from the co-op’s Food team.

Related: Co-op Group has sold a million pints of beer designed by members

Nick Crofts, president of the Members’ Council, said: “The Join in Live events are taking our co-op message in to local communities – my call out to co-operators is come along if you can, but also bring a friend and show them how great the Co-op is at supporting the community.”

For information on where the events are being held between September and November and to book your place, visit