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Making a difference: Social care from Australia’s Co-operative Life

'We are really trying to push employee engagement, being involved in decision making, sharing information, financials,…

Transport co-op offering an alternative to Uber to people in Pittsfield, USA

Poor bus provision in the Massachusetts city means many night workers cannot get home from their…

The co-op model is helping young people create secure jobs, says report

Young people are three times more likely than adults to be jobless, says the ILO

Eroski welcomes 377 new worker-owners in 2017

'We are very happy to continue to generate co-operative employment, incorporating employees who decide to become…

Why it’s time to radically rethink the business school

Martin Parker from the University of Bristol suggests that if we want a co-operative economy, then…

Help space cats fight galactic fascism in a new game from TESA Collective

The team behind the Co-opoly board game have launched a Kickstarter campaign for their new project,…

How is sustainable development perceived in worker co-ops?

Janette Hurst presented the findings of interviews from the movement with the Co-operative Education Conference

Shortlist announced for Co-operative of the Year 2018

Voting is now open for the awards, which sees 17 co-ops and six councils nominated across…

Co-op training and research is crucial in the age of technology, says Ariel Guarco

The president of the ICA explored how co-ops could use the opportunities brought by new technology

Can you help to build a new economy? New crowdfunding campaign

Stir to Action has launched a new bid to transform communities through workshops and mentoring

What next for co-ops in Cuba with Miguel Díaz-Canel as president?

The new president has indicated he will continue his predecessor's reforms

Co-ops are key to a more social Europe, says CECOP-CICOPA Europe

A discussion of the European Pillar of Social Rights called for more supportive regulation for the…