Co-operative College launches series of e-Learning courses

The Co-operative College is running a new series of short co-operative e-Learning courses that will be accessible on all devices.

The courses have been organised into two convenient packages, which can be used as part of an induction trainings or workshops on specific topics. The College has worked in partnership with UpSkill People to develop the courses, designed for colleagues, members, volunteers, suppliers or other stakeholders.

Joe Goddard, learning and development co-ordinator at the Co-operative College, said: “E-learning gives the learner agency and control – they can learn when and where they want and can take their time. It’s open content that really empowers the learner.

“The College has traditionally done training for people who know and are already passionate about the movement – it has never done this kind of entry-level, short, high-impact learning that explains what a co-op is and the benefts of being part of it.

“We understand how co-ops are connected to the wider movement – the fact the the co-operative ethos and principles are at the heart of the college mean we understand co-operative capacity among businesses.”

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The e-Learning offer includes two packages, the Co-op Essentials package and the Co-op Essentials Plus package.

The Co-op Essentials package includes three short courses: What is a co-op?; Values and Principles; and Membership engagement. It is available in bundles of licences for 20 people, for one year, at a cost of £229, or £3.81 per learner per course.

In addition, the Co-op Essentials Plus package includes six short courses: What is a co-op?; Values and principles; Membership engagement; Good governance; Roles and Responsibilities of directors; and Monitoring Co-operative Performance. The ‘Co-op Essentials Plus’ package is available in bundles of licences for 20 people, for one year, at a cost of £429, the equivalent of £3.75 per learner per course.

Those interested can request a demo login to look at some of the courses by contacting Joe Goddard at [email protected].