Co-operatives and mutuals are on the Welsh government’s agenda

The Welsh government has published its programme for government, which is focused on driving improvement to economy and public services. It includes commitments to promoting co-operative and mutual models across different sectors.

The document, Taking Wales Forward 2016-2021, highlights the Labour and Co-operative government’s plans to grow the nation’s economy. In the energy sector, it aims to promote renewable energy and community energy schemes.

Another pledge is to develop a new, not-for-profit, rail franchise. First Minister Carwyn Jones confirmed during an Assembly exchange with Labour/Co-op AM Jeremy Miles that the government would be exploring co-operative options as alternative models in the delivery of the South Wales Metro Rail system.

The programme also includes measures to back business, including tailored support for co-operatives and mutuals.

In addition, the government aims to tackle the lack of access to financial services by supporting advice services and credit unions.

And in another opportunity for co-operatives and mutuals, the document pledges to introduce measures to prevent unnecessary closures and help communities take ownership of community assets.