
All Africa news articles

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World Environment Day: How co-ops are connecting us with the planet

We take a look at ten of the co-ops that connect people to nature, from tourism…

Concern as Sainsbury’s replaces Fairtrade with its own Fairly-traded certification

There are fears the new scheme will take power away from smallholder producers and co-ops in…

Zimbabwe vice president announces new funding programme for SMEs and co-ops

The government wants to stimulate growth through the scheme, which will include efforts to revitalise agriculture…

Co-op Group to donate funds from all bottled water sold to the One Foundation, AGM told

The Group has been working with the One Foundation on projects to deliver water sanitation and…

Co-op Group commits £50,000 to support Fairtrade women cocoa farmers

The Women’s School of Leadership aims to tackle gender inequality and reduce poverty in Ivory Coast

Co-operative College receives £5,000 from Unicorn Grocery 4% fund

The College will use the money to support the development of co-ops in Malawi, whose agrarian…

Two women’s co-ops changing lives

All over the world women are taking action and innovating change to accelerate equality and help…

African women look to co-ops to create leadership network

The Africa for Africa Women’s Organization will mark the International Women’s Day with a conference focused…

2017’s International Day of Co-operatives will celebrate inclusion

The world’s co-operators will celebrate the global movement on 1 July – and this year the…

Fairtrade company Divine Chocolate wins B Corp status for ethical standards

Fairtrade social enterprise Divine Chocolate has won B Corp certification after meeting a range of social and environmental standards.…

How Fairtrade helped my fight for women’s rights

As Britain celebrates Fairtrade Fortnight, we look at the impact the movement is having around the…

Where does the money go from the Fairtrade Premium?

Final preparations are underway for Fairtrade Fortnight from 27 February – 12 March, celebrating a movement to…