
All Africa news articles

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Health co-ops continue to battle against Covid-19

'Our co-op identity commits us to a humanised healthcare approach ... that places people at the…

Moroccan government plans a new generation of agricultural co-ops

Agriculture also accounts for 19% of Morocco’s Gross National Product

OCDC report explores the co-operative difference in Kenya

Members of co-operatives enjoy better economic conditions than non members, says the report

Fairtrade Foundation welcomes UK trade deal with Ghana

Without a trade agreement in place Ghanaian producers, including co-operatives, faced import duties

Ghanaian co-ops face tariffs until post-Brexit trade deal with UK is agreed

If tariffs continue to apply farmers and workers will lose market access, says the Fairtrade Foundation

Q&A: Dr Chiyoge Sifa

Regional director for Africa at the ICA

Co-operative Bank of Kenya joins global campaign against illegal wildlife trafficking

The bank is one of the more than 30 financial institutions that have joined the United…

Would co-operatives make tea taste better?

Pay and conditions in the industry are in a race to the bottom says Stirling Smith…

Obituary: Sam Mshiu, leading light of Tanzanian co-operation

A tireless worker for co-op development in his own country and across Africa

NCBA Clusa highlights global projects for International Youth Day

The US apex body gave updates on development projects in Senegal, Uganda, Burkina Faso and Niger

Fairtrade and the invisible women of the cocoa industry

'The average female cocoa farmer earns 23p a day. How is there not as much outrage…

South African co-ops ‘need more help coping with effects of Covid-19’

Co-ops want public bodies to come to them for essentials such as PPE as the country…