
All Belgium news articles

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Youth, traceability and circular economy projects win agri co-op awards

Co-ops in Spain, Poland, Ireland, Belgium and Sweden were picked by judges for Cogeca's European Award…

Citizen power brings renewable energy to Leuven

Ten public buildings in the Belgian city will be fitted with solar panels, saving 180 tons…

Belgian co-operative aims to establish an ethical bank

The co-operative needs to raise €30m through a share offer to secure the approval for a…

The gig economy – an opportunity for co-ops and trade unions to work together?

Co-op Congress heard from John Park from Community Union and Sarah de Heusch of co-op gig…

Europe, renewables and the future of community energy

In its recently released Clean Energy Package, the European Commission finally acknowledged that energy communities –…

SWIFT co-operative working to address cyber security concerns

SWIFT, the world’s leading provider of secure financial messaging services, is working on implementing a Customer…