
All France news articles

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Crédit Agricole moves towards a phase-out of gas and oil finance

Campaigners welcome the announcement but say there is more to do if the bank is to…

How Ulysse Maison d’Artistes performs the art of co-operation

The French arts group tells us how it moved to the co-op model – and how…

Holiday options from the co-op movement

There are a number of tourism options offered by co-ops, from Jemima D, a narrowboat in…

French co-operative movement calls on members to vote in presidential elections

'The participation of all in the decision-making process is one of the founding principles of the…

French co-ops represent 25% of the global turnover of the top 100 co-ops

A new study commissioned by Coop FR explores how French co-ops compared to co-ops around the…

Co-ops respond to French government agenda for Council of the EU

France will hold the presidency of the Council of the EU from 1 January to 30…

Holding onto the co-op identity means we “don’t lose ourselves”

Jean-Louis Bancel, president of CoopFR and Crédit Coopératif, on the difference the co-op identity can make

Champagne super co-op formed in historic merger

The new co-op, Terroirs et Vignerons de Champagne, unites around 6,000 wine growers and 3,000 hectares…

Obituary: Christian Pèes, French co-operator and agriculture innovator

He had led Euralis, one of the largest agricultural co-ops in France, and Cogeca, the European…

A third of French agricultural co-ops have organic certifications

A new report highlights some of the benefits of the co-operative model for organic farming

Billets, s’il vout plait! Rail co-op gears up for launch

French rail co-operative to run first passenger service in 2022

Social and solidarity economy actors seen as key to building a circular economy in France

A new map features over 1,500 circular economy actors from across seven French regions