
All Europe news articles

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Cecop report looks at response of worker-owned co-ops to non-standard employment

The report includes case studies from the UK, Finland, France, Spain and Belgium

After Labour’s defeat, does the co-op council model show a route to renewal?

'Giving power back to localities would make all the difference ... We need people to have…

A new decade: Can co-operation overcome division?

Co-ops look to a new year, a new decade, a new government, a new political landscape…

Southern Co-op achieves Fair Tax accreditation

The Hampshire-based society has become the 14th co-operative in the UK to be awarded the Fair…

New plastic pledge by Co-op Group on its own-brand packaging

Measures include the rollout of a scheme to collect film from food packaging

Co-op Group announces home delivery expansion and new vegan range

The online delivery service is being expanded to several more cities, and will include the new…

Lambeth Food Co-operative recipes – easy to follow and even easier to eat

We take a look at the latest cookbook from the co-op, which offers a 'social prescription'

Southern Co-op supporting communities through Isle of Wight milk

Isle of Wight Milk will form part of Southern Co-operative's Local Flavours range

Co-operatives UK looks back on its impact in 2019

'The co-operative values and principles bind our innovative sector together'

Europe: Commissioner tasked with developing an action plan for the social economy

Cecop hopes the new Commission will translate the plan into concrete measures in favour of worker…

European green deal aims for climate neutrality by 2050

Co-ops have a key role to play, says Cooperatives Europe

Election 2019: Co-op Party loses six seats; movement looks to influence government

Party chair Anna Turley was among the unseated candidates