
All Europe news articles

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Just Credit Union joins loan shark campaign with school finance lessons

'It is hoped pupils will take these important messages about loan sharks home to their families'

100 new Co-op Group stores to create 1,500 jobs

'The right location and range tailored to fulfil the shopping needs of a community is a…

Manchester veg box co-op continues to grow

Co-operative and Community Finance gave the co-op a loan of £20,000

Robert Owen statue returns to Co-op Bank HQ

The Bank is no longer owned by the Co-op Group but says the figure symbolises its…

Co-op childcare wins National NMT Nursery Award for Nursery Training and Development

The business was nominated for exceptional commitment to training and developing staff

Non-executive director of two mutuals banned by the FCA

The regulator fined Angela Burns £20,000 for failing to declare a conflict of interest

Will the new Welsh First Minister be good for co-operatives?

Derek Walker, chief executive of Wales Co-operative Centre, on what Mark Drakeford can do for the…

Tim Bailey named as new chief executive of SAOS

Mr Bailey will take over from James Graham, who is retiring after 21 years with the…

Power to Change allocates new funding for community businesses

The funding is provided through the Community Business Trade Up Programme run by the School for…

Let credit unions fund community energy and social housing, says Co-op Party chair

'As the sector grows it is becoming even better equipped to expand the services it is…

Colombia and Italy strengthen co-operative ties

Co-op organisations are working together to develop communities affected by armed conflict

Mondragon composes co-op ‘soundtrack’

Basque co-op brings together artists for collaborative cultural project