
All Europe news articles

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International co-op movement adopts declaration on decent work

The ICA commits itself to “respect, promote and act diligently to support the fundamental tenets of…

Co-operatives UK presents framework and guidance around Key Performance Indicators

Co-operatives UK presented its draft framework and guidance at the Practitioners Forum in Manchester

Mondragon changes rules around the distribution of dividends

The measures were put forward by the board and approved by members at their annual congress

CECOP joins Social Economy Europe

The social economy accounts for 8% of the GDP and 6% of employment (14 million workers)…

East of England showcases festive Sourced Locally range with gigantic walnut whirl

The whirl weights 11.8kg, over 200 times more than a standard one.

SAOS invites nominations for Next Generation Award

The SAOS Next Generation Award aims to celebrate young people who have shown leadership, vision and…

Midcounties Co-op launches Dragons’ Den-style competition in Gloucestershire

The co-op is looking for the region’s best food and drink idea or product

Eroski and its customers donate 6,150 tonnes of food

Enough food has been collected to to provide meals for 3,899 families

Andy Burnham backs credit union ‘Oscars’

'I am a huge supporter of the credit union way of doing business. Credit unions transform…

Central England Co-op to give away 20,000 gifts to customers

The initiative forms part of the society’s Because of You campaign

Christmas gifts: Festive goodies from the Ethical Shop

A selection of ethical gifts for the festive season

New voice for sports supporters with SD and FSF merger

The Unified Football Supporters' Organisation aims to create a stronger single voice for fans