
All Europe news articles

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What are credit unions doing to adapt to the digital age?

'Some credit unions have an aversion towards the potential risks it poses but others have adopted…

Can public service mutuals keep the co-op ethos in a competitive market?

A workshop at the Ways Forward conference in Manchester looked at the issues faced by co-ops…

Ways Forward 6 Conference: What next for the UK’s tech co-ops?

'We can’t wait for the hobbyists – the IT people in dark rooms – to come…

Meet… Jo Bird, director of Co-operative Business Consultants

'I find the situation very hopeful and exciting now. This period is our best chance in…

Co-op retailers win top rankings in Business Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare

The Co-op Group of Switzerland, Waitrose from the UK and Migros co-operative from Switzerland were classified…

Crédit Agricole co-op reports strong results in 2017 despite tax surcharge

Fourth quarter net income has increased to €387m (£343.85m) from €291m (£258.55m) last year, says a…

Book review: Women’s Periodicals and Print Culture in Britain 1918-1939

Edinburgh University Press, 2018

Co-op Party wants post-Brexit trade deals to protect developing economies

'As the UK’s place in the world changes, it’s vital that we safeguard and build on…

Co-op Education Conference 2018: Q&A with Dr Cilla Ross

Why should people come to the conference? And what are the main themes this year?

Co-op Party MSP urges Scottish employers to help modern slavery victims

Kezia Dugdale lodged a parliamentary motion praising the Co-op Group’s Bright Future Programme

Creating a nation of Fairtrade shoppers

The Co-op Group's Fairtrade Shopper report confirms the retailer's commitment to Fairtrade

Diana Dovgan appointed CECOP – CICOPA Europe and CICOPA secretary general

The former policy officer takes over the role from Bruno Roelants and will assume her new…