
All Europe news articles

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Co-ops in Scotland: Why they are vital to the government’s policy agenda

The ICA’s Global Research Conference in Stirling looked at how the co-op ethos remains embedded in…

Celebrating Co-operatives Fortnight in the birthplace of modern co-operation

Rochdale is flying the flag for the movement, with events at the Pioneers Museum and support…

Northern Ireland marks Co-operatives Fortnight with survey of the sector

Co-operative Alternatives – Northern Ireland’s leading co-op development agency – wants to know how people view…

The annual co-op report: finances remain steady, while membership grows

The collective turnover of UK co-operatives stands at £35.7bn, says the report – and an extra…

Co-ops call on new French parliament to help the sector grow

New president Emmanuel Macron has won a large majority in the legislature – and the co-op…

EU recognises co-ops as important part of the collaborative economy

The latest report also looks at issues surrounding regulation, competition, tax, workers' rights and the labour…

New plastic film developed to help Co-op Group hit recycling target

The Group is partnered with a specialist firm, Coveris, which has created the new product to…

How to find investors for your co-op: Accentuate the positive

A report by Ethex found that more than half of Britons are interested in ethical saving…

Co-op Group’s stake in Bank could be cut to less than 5%, say reports

The speculation follows reports that a group of hedge fund bondholders are the leading contenders in…

National inquiry launched to assess the impact of employee ownership

The Ownership Effect Inquiry, which publishes its findings this autumn, will measure the sector’s effect on…

Co-op Group to pilot franchise deal with new convenience stores at MRH service stations

The Group says it is testing the franchise model as a way to expand its brand…

Co-op Group announces results for members’ council elections

A total of 34 members from 13 different constituencies were elected to the council, nine of…