
All Europe news articles

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Brass bands: Building communities through music and co-operatives

Brass bands have a rich history worldwide – and in the UK they have a strong…

Co-operative record label goes national

A Southampton recording co-operative is gaining a national presence, having signed artists in Manchester, Liverpool, Bournemouth and…

White poppies tell the story of the alternative Remembrance Day

This Remembrance Day peace activists from across the UK and abroad have marked the day by…

How co-operatives are performing in the world of digital

An international review of how the co-op sector performs in the digital world, published by Co-operative…

What is ethical finance?

What organisations do with their money is being increasingly caught on the public radar, bringing ethical…

Nine ways to work with co-operatives in other countries

Here in New Zealand, some of our co-operatives serve their member owners well through trading internationally,…

Let’s talk: inspiring young people to play an active role in communities

Too often, young people aren’t shaping the decisions which affect their lives, but they still inherit…

Co-operative Group sets out its bold vision for the future

“Championing a better way of doing business for you and your communities,” is the new business…

The big bang; how demutualisation of building societies failed

The ‘Big Bang’ reform of the capital markets in the City of London in 1986 marked…

Is the John Lewis model perfect for the Co-operative Group?

Over the past year, the Co-operative Group’s issues have been well-documented. But would these problems be…

Nine problems that caused the ‘debacle’ at the Co-operative Bank

The root causes of the Co-operative Bank crisis, which exposed a £1.5bn capital hole, have been…

Phone Co-op sim cards are now available in Co-operative Food stores

Pay-as-you-go sim cards from the Phone Co-op are rolling out for sale in more than 3,800…