
All Europe news articles

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The cost of borrowing – credit unions as an alternative to unethical sources of finance

As the hard times get harder, action is being taken to keep financially vulnerable people out…

Key tips for maintaining and communicating a distinctive co-operative brand

The Global Innovation Co-op Summit session included contributions from iCoop Korea, Ethiquable, Aroundtheworld, the Organisation of…

Credit unions provide a lifeline through the cost of living crisis

'Credit unions will continue to serve communities and employers in these testing times through the provision…

Co-op Group acts to strengthen balance sheet as economic turmoil hits half-year profits

Pre-tax profits fell from £44m to £7m but CEO Shirine Khoury-Haq said 'we have great confidence…

The Bevy: Co-op pub prepares to help its community weather economic storm

The Brighton local has long been involved in community support work – and now it is…

Global Innovation Co-op Summit explores co-op solutions to global challenges

The event, hosted by Crédit Agricole, saw delegates from around the world best practice on sustainability…

Co-ops and climate justice: Preview of October’s Ways Forward 2022

More than 150 co-operators are due to gather in Manchester to discuss community-led responses to the…

Co-ops tackle the energy crisis by leading a retrofit revolution

'The UK’s homes and buildings are among the least efficient in Europe, which is making the…

Meet… Edward Rosen, project director at Lambeth GP Food Co-op

'I’m confident that co-ops have a contribution to make to the reshaping of the health service…

Coop Denmark to replace Fakta supermarkets with discount stores

The co-op retailer is also merging two of its other chains as it responds to changing…

Lincolnshire co-op raising money for suicide prevention causes this autumn

Members' purchases will support 26 mental health charities over the next quarter

Energy co-ops weigh the costs of the world’s power supply crisis

Suppliers in the sector are struggling with rising costs – but there is also hope that the…