
All Switzerland news articles

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Swiss retail co-op Migros elects new president

Edith Spillmann will take over the presidency of the co-op’s Delegates' Assembly until 2026

Lessons from Fairtrade International’s living income for farmers strategy

'Based on this project, our farmers now have a better understanding of the costs and income…

European housing co-ops honoured at World Habitat Awards

Prizes went to a Swiss student housing co-op and a German affordable co-op estate

Swiss retail co-op Migros reports growth and increased sales in 2023

The country's largest retailer saw its total turnover rise to CHF 31.9bn, with growth in a…

Coop Switzerland reports 1.4% increase in sales as customer base grows

The results include the growth of sustainable products, which comes as the retailer celebrates the 30th…

Fairtrade Global Awards honour ethical practices, from climate crisis to living wage

Winners include the UK's Co-op Group, honoured for its climate work, while Switzerland's Coop Genossenschaft was…

ICMIF announces AI initiatives for the insurance mutuals sector

Swiss insurer Die Mobiliar has introduced Mobi-ChatGPT, and a new platform from EY could offer the…

Retail co-ops put on a united front as store thefts continue to rise

'We’re working closely together. We’ve all seen the same issues and broadly I think we’re all…

World’s first AI-created drink available in Migros stores

The recipe was developed by ChayGPT, while the branding is the creation of Midjourney and the…

Informal women workers’ network Wiego receives award at World Economic Forum

The organisation won the Schwab Foundation's prize for collective social innovation at the event, taking place…

Coop Switzerland posts sales increase of 7.3% for 2022

Growth was driven by performances in retail and wholesale, including its international Transgourmet business

World’s housing co-ops meet in Zurich for international symposium

The event looked at the city’s housing system for lessons in the importance of a supportive…