United Kingdom

All United Kingdom news articles

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Credit Unions recognised at Joe Biden and Edward Filene Awards

Credit unions and individuals from across the world were recognised for their performance at the Edward…

The role of elected representatives in member engagement

As member-owned businesses, co-operatives place a strong emphasis on engaging with their members. But what is…

End of year review 2016: Community and energy

COMMUNITY February: Foster Care Co-op saves independent agency with takeover The UK’s only foster care co-op…

Co-op Party chair calls for mutualisation of Royal Bank of Scotland

The Royal Bank of Scotland should be mutualised to overhaul the culture of the bank and bolster…

Nine steps to create your social impact report

Do you want to measure your organisation’s social impact? Here is our step-by-step guide to creating your…

Providing life changing opportunities through SENse to Aspire

A scheme that changes the lives of students with special educational needs has created a social…

Developing sustainable organisations through the Community Dividend

For every pound spent on the community dividend scheme, Central England Co-operative generates a social return…

Improving lives through member groups

Over £20 of social value is returned for every £1 spent on Central England Co-operative member…

What social reporting is – and why it matters

Social return on investment (SROI) is a methodology for calculating the monetary value of the impact…

Co-ops make a difference. But how do we know they do?

It is simple to measure the economic impact of a co-op, just like we can do…

Co-op Group members pull a £15m Christmas cracker

An estimated £15m is expected to be distributed to members this month, following the launch of…

Automation: What does the future of retail look like?

As automation plays a growing role in the retail sector, co-operatives are exploring the opportunities and challenges brought by…