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ICA General Assembly elects new global board in Seville

Delegates also heard from Coop Ukraine

ICA re-elects Ariel Guarco as president

The vote, at the General Assembly in Seville, saw Mr Guarco finish ahead of Jean-Louis Bancel…

Seville welcomes global co-operative movement to ICA General Assembly

Presented with examples of the contribution co-ops make to the Andalucían economy, delegates were urged to…

International Labour Conference adopts conclusions on decent work and the SSE

A definition has been proposed for the social and solidarity economy and the document includes a…

Study finds Fairtrade enhances farmer resilience and sustainability

The research assessed Fairtrade’s contribution in terms of economic resilience, social wellbeing and good governance

ICMIF hails growing market share for Europe’s mutual and co-op insurers

In 2020 alone, European mutual insurers collectively wrote €469bn in insurance premiums

Holiday options from the co-op movement

There are a number of tourism options offered by co-ops, from Jemima D, a narrowboat in…

Co-op movement gears up for a series of celebrations and centenaries

A look ahead to Co-op Congress, Co-op Fortnight and the International Day of Co-operatives

Credit unions and the green lending opportunity

The Swoboda Research Institute gathered sector representatives for a conference in Dublin on sustainability and finance

ICA board elections: Q&As with the candidates

Candidates for the International Co-operative Alliance board elections

ICA presidential election: Candidate Q&A with Melina Morrison

'We need to grow co-operatives, grow the Alliance, and grow awareness of our way of doing…

ICA presidential election: Candidate Q&A with Ariel Guarco

'ICA must continue to strengthen its position as a leading player on the international scene'