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ICA presidential election: Candidate Q&A with Jean-Louis Bancel

'We should create circles of exchange of good practices between co-operatives'

Co-operation in times of crisis: The movement steps up when disaster strikes

From the Lancashire Cotton Famine of the 1860s to the typhoons striking the Philippines in 2021,…

International Day of Co-operatives theme announced

The day is celebrated every year on the first Saturday of July

Co-op insurance apex ICMIF marks its centenary

'ICMIF’s members have collectively achieved so much for the insurance sector through their willingness to share…

FBI warns farm co-ops of heightened cyber threat in planting and harvest seasons

'Cyber actors may perceive co-operatives as lucrative targets with a willingness to pay due to the…

Sandra Uwera announced as global CEO of Fairtrade International

Previous roles include CEO of the COMESA Business Council

Ana Aguirre is elected president of the ICA Youth Committee

'I look forward to working with all of you in taking aligned and strong action to…

Woccu chief visits Europe to meet Ukrainian and Polish credit union leaders

Elissa McCarter LaBorde's visit follows a series of initiatives to support credit unions in Ukraine

Co-op insurers beat their local markets for growth, ICMIF figures reveal

As the organisation celebrates its centenary, its members' held assets have passed the $2tn mark for…

Call goes out for credit union researchers

The Swoboda prize is open to researchers around the world who want to help develop the…

Meet the ICA Youth Committee candidates

The candidates are Ana Aguirre, Leslie Alvarado, Linah Sohelo and Mabruck Mpangule

Co-ops mentioned in ILO report on SSE

The report mentions the role of the SSE in promoting decent work