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Impact conference explores the co-operative identity

The co-op movement can help deliver the positive change the world is calling for – but how…

First credit union service organisation set up in Guatemala

The CUSO will help credit unions grow their lending portfolios

Climate change puts millions of Fairtrade farmers at risks, says new report

The study assess potential climate change impacts on the production and producers of major crops, including…

Global credit union membership increases by 29% to 375 million

Woccu reported a total of 375,160,065 credit union members in 118 countries

Movement prepares for ICA World Cooperative Congress in December

There's less than two months to go until co-operators from around the world gather in Seoul…

International co-op research effort focuses on data and governance

Researchers, co-op leaders and activists are looking at how co-ops, trusts and other collaborative models can…

UN secretary general report looks at the role of co-ops in social development

The report will act as a point of reference for UN member states

Housing and climate change: the co-ops pioneering green solutions

A look at some of the housing co-ops around the world which are working to tackle…

‘We need to move from consumption to collaboration’: Ecology CEO looks back

We speak to Paul Ellis, chief executive of Ecology, as he prepares to step down after…

Global Innovation Coop Summit explores trends in tech and social innovation

The event featured technology experts and co-operators from around the world

Obituary: Credit union pioneer Ralph Swoboda (1948 – 2021)

Chris Smith pays credit to credit union pioneer Ralph Swoboda

‘Co-ops must work with other social movements on climate change’

We speak to Sam Cossar-Gilbert, programme coordinator at Friends of the Earth International