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ICA searching for legal experts to explore impact of Covid-19 on co-op law

The ICA global office is collecting information on how Covid-19 is affecting national and international laws…

#Coops4dev launches Spanish and French website versions

The programme promotes the potential of co-op enterprises in development.

Co-ops’ role in making change: John Holdsclaw shares lessons from the US

The the executive vice president of strategic initiatives at the National Cooperative Bank was the keynote…

Nasco and Student Co-op Homes join Cooperative Housing International

They believe membership of CHI is the first step in their efforts to develop a mutually…

World Council Young Credit Union Professionals’ programme turns 20

Wycup includes young credit union professionals from all over the world

Global credit union membership surpasses 291 million

The largest increases over the past decade were witnessed in Latin America (153%), Africa (143%) and…

ICA Americas launches 2020 Statistical Observatory survey

Data is being gathered from first, second and third degree co-ops, mutuals, credit unions and other…

DotCoop acquires .creditunion domain

Launched in 2015 by CUNA, the .creditunion domain exists for the exclusive use of credit unions

Members of MEC meet to plan next steps in their fight for co-op ideals

Campaign leaders thanked supporters for their passion and commitment and set out three possible course of…

Would co-operatives make tea taste better?

Pay and conditions in the industry are in a race to the bottom says Stirling Smith…

Can radical new visions restore an old sense of community?

A look at some of the sessions at the recent Stir to Action festival

Martha and Richard Anker: five decades of campaigning for decent incomes

A new benchmark which will make it easier to estimate a living wage for small farmers…