
All Global news articles

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How to drive youth social entrepreneurship

A report from the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs looks at ways young people…

Cooperatives are a key constituent of the social and solidarity economy, says ICA

The apex body would welcome a UN resolution on the Social and Solidarity Economy

A Fairtrade story: Celebrating the history of Traidcraft

Sarah Alldred, international programmes manager at the Co-operative College, looks at an inspiring new study of…

Co-op Group reviews funding for core co-op organisations

The society has traditionally supported these organisations through membership fees, subscriptions and memoranda of understanding

125 years: International Cooperative Alliance reaches important milestone

Celebrations of the milestone will continue into next year when the ICA holds the 33rd World…

US outdoor gear co-op REI to sell HQ

The retailer is looking to reallocate resources and switch to decentralised homeworking in the aftermath of…

Scrapping old business models for a mutual future

Jess Scully scours the world for good examples - from care co-ops in Lebanon to microfinance…

ICA Youth Network rolls out replication project

On International Youth Day we look at some of the key projects at the International Co-operative…

WOCCU sets up Covid-19 Response Committee

The committee will provide advise around advocacy, member support, digitisation, community support and business continuity

Covid brings more churn to the dairy co-op sector

How has the pandemic affected an already turbulent market?

South Korea looks forward to welcoming co-op movement to Seoul

The Congress will mark the 125th anniversary of the ICA and the 25th anniversary of the…

DotCoop and Solidarity Economy association launch global .coop directory

Co-ops that have the DotCoop domain will automatically be featured on the page