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Ed Mayo nominated for Nobel Prize alternative award

The award was created to promote economic solutions for today’s global challenges

European Commission think tank adviser to speak at ICA Global Conference in Kigali

Patrick Develtere will discuss globalisation of inclusive ethical value chains at the conference in Kigali

Are co-ops the new pirates?

Be More Pirate looks at some of clichés around the golden age of piracy, and asks…

Co-op sector responds to joint statement of purpose from global corporations

NCBA Clusa CEO Doug O’Brien insisted co-ops are still the main businesses building an economy for…

Co-op agriculture: Driving change from micro to macro

From village vegetable patches in Tanzania, to community farms in the UK and a national sustainability…

Price wars, mergers, demutualisations: Hard times for the dairy co-op?

After the sale of New Zealand’s Westland co-op, we take a look at the dairy sector…

How can agri co-ops deal with climate change, tough markets and Brexit?

'It’s a tough time being a farmer, but if they are willing to engage we can…

Agropur joins G7 Business for Inclusive Growth coalition to tackle inequality

'We can generate positive social impacts by helping to build a stronger, more inclusive workplace and…

What’s on the agenda at the ICA conference in Kigali?

The conference will include a keynote address from environmental activist Dr Vandana Shiva

Caribbean credit unions in spotlight at Woccu conference

The sector is providing vital services to underbanked communities across the Caribbean region, said prime minister…

How has religious faith – or the lack of it – driven co-operative culture?

Research suggests faith values can overlap with other faith and ethical values to drive co-operation

ICMIF Intelligence Committee appoints NFU Mutual’s Gina Fusco as chair

The network was set up to guide ICMIF’s networking and knowledge activities