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End of year Q&A: Nathan Schneider, organiser, Exit to Community

'Without generalised, large-scale capital access for mutualist enterprise, the rising generation of the co‑operative movement will…

Annual Q&A: Elissa McCarter LaBorde, World Council of Credit Unions

The president and CEO of Woccu wants the sector to take leadership on 'financial inclusion with…

End of year Q&A: Ana Aguirre, president, ICA Youth Committee

'We managed to have the first activities of the youth action plan in place and get…

End of year Q&A: Carlos Zarco, president, International Health Cooperative Organisation

The sector faces challenges over the aftermath of Covid-19, health inequality, mental health and an ageing…

End of year Q&A: Ariel Guarco, president, International Cooperative Alliance

'I hope that we can continue to build a world in peace, with democracy, social justice,…

Platform Cooperativism conference in India charts new course for digital equality

The event issued the Thiruvananthapuram Declaration calling for shared ownership of technological resources to foster inclusive,…

Co-op News Christmas gift guide

A selection of ethical gifts

COP28: European co-op banks explore green finance and sustainable food

Food security has been a key topic at COP28, and the EACB panel explored the role…

ICA Gender Equality Committee urges action to stop violence against women and girls

Only 5% of government aid is focused on tackling violence against women and girls, UN figures…

Applications open for Global Women’s Leadership Network scholarships

GWLN, an initiative of the Worldwide Foundation for Credit Unions, celebrates its 15th anniversary in 2024

UN resolution calls for a second International Year of Cooperatives in 2025

The UN's Third Committee was told that 'co-operatives and people-centred enterprises bring people together in a…

Platform co-op looks to show a better way forward on AI

As experts warn of the dangers posed by artificial intelligence, Cosy AI looks to create a…