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New online course explores pathways towards a Co-operative Commonwealth

The course is aimed at newcomers to social change work as well as veteran activists, practitioners,…

New fund for PhD students looking at co-ops and social enterprises

The EMES Solidarity Fund will enable students to attend the 7th EMES International Research Conference on…

Researchers uncover the role of co-ops in peace-building and conflict resolution

The research was produced under the framework of the ICA-EU Partnership

Book review: How co-operation can help the masses against a rigged market

Edgar Parnell says individuals, communities, and nations need self-help enterprises if they are to prosper

Keynote speakers announced for World Credit Union Conference

The conference will feature presentations on leadership, cybersecurity, digital technologies and the economy.

CULedger teams up with IBM to offer blockchain services to world’s credit unions

'A co-operative model that helps improve the member experience while benefiting all credit unions is the…

Co-operative and mutual insurers outperform insurance sector at market share growth

Between 2007 and 2017 the premium income of the global mutual and co-operative insurance sector grew…

Italian couple is travelling around the world to tell co-operative stories

Film makers Sara Vicari and Andrea Mancori want to debunk the myth that co-ops are not…

Fairtrade Fortnight: How you can help cocoa farmers to earn a living income

This year's campaign will encourage British people 'not to feed exploitation'

ICA is fundraising to raise awareness of co-ops’ work on sustainable development

It wants members to support its efforts to promote the sector’s work on SDGs

Date confirmed for ICA Global Conference in Rwanda

ICA president Ariel Guarco confirmed the date, 14-17 October, in a letter to members

WOCCU announces first keynote speaker for world credit union conference

Ms Dieken is the founder of Influence360, a tool that helps leaders assess their influence pattern