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New executive director for Worldwide Foundation for Credit Unions

Mike Reuter comes new to the credit union movement after more than 10 years leading non-profit…

How Georgia’s forgotten revolution pointed the way to a co-operative economy

'A Marxist party carrying out a democratic socialist revolution in an entire country? I know of…

Oxfam report on global inequality crisis points to co-operative solutions

The charity highlights the example of Mondragon for promoting job security and equitable pay

International Day of Co-operatives will focus on sustainable consumption and production

Co-operators have been invited to choose a slogan for the day, celebrated on 7 July

Fairtrade Fortnight closes the door on exploitation…

...and challenges people to open up to Fairtrade products

How much difference does Fairtrade make – and how can we measure it?

Where Fairtrade-certified producers enjoy higher prices than non-certified farmers, it can be hard to isolate the…

Meet… Bruno Roelants, incoming director general of the International Co-operative Alliance

Mr Roelants talks about his 30 years working for the movement and his priorities for the…

Co-ops must play their part in building a future for work

Ultimately, the solutions may come from the very developments that have disrupted the economy

How co-ops can help spread the benefits of automation

'Ownership is the ground where the tug-of-war for the next social contracts is being played. Who…

How Moeda made a co-op cryptocurrency to help new businesses take root

'We aim to provide a community-focused mobile lending system that will give investors real time transparency…

Future of work: Cincinnati experiments with co-op/union hybrid

A city hit by high unemployment is looking to examples abroad and from US history to…

Future of work Q&A: Paul Nowak, TUC deputy general secretary

'In this fast-changing environment, co-ops may need to invest in expertise, so they are clear sighted…