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Delegates preview research into the state of health co-ops

Amazon and Google could disrupt the health market, but co-ops must focus on the people to…

How to play a role in building a sustainable future

In her keynote speech, Dr Gro Harlem Brundtland warned the world faces serious challenges when it…

Ariel Guarco is elected president of the International Co-operative Alliance

Mr Guarco, president of Argentinian co-op federation Cooperar, takes over from Monique Leroux

Dr José Carlos Guisado given posthumous Rochdale Pioneers Award

Dr Guisado, who died last year, was praised for his dedication to co-operative ideals and to…

World’s top 300 co-operatives have a combined turnover of $2.164tn

Euricse CEO Gianluca Salvatori said it was time for the movement to make better use of…

Co-op model offers innovation, Linda Yueh tells global conference

The economist said the movement's roots in civil society mean it is well placed to deal…

Exploring co-operative options for the collaborative economy

What is the collaborative economy and why does it matter to co-ops?

Grand gala opening for global co-op summit

'Having so many leaders from over 90 countries is something we should be very proud of.…

Maria Eugenia Pérez Zea re-elected chair of the ICA Gender Equality Committee

Ms Pérez has been active in the movement for 18 years and chairs her country's largest…

Breaking down the barriers to young people in the co-op movement

The Alliance's Youth Network is working on a strategy to draw in more young co-operators

Six ways to improve international co-operative development

Sharing expertise and strengthening communications are some of the recommendations

Help us find your Co-op Champions

It's not a popularity competition, we want to find the human side of co-operation. Who are…