
All Global news articles

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Co-op Group donates £50,000 to its Fairtrade producers hit by Hurricanes Irma and Maria

The Group, which has already contributed to Co-operatives UK’s disaster fund, is giving the money to…

Cannabis producers form co-op for ‘socially responsible’ retailing

As the government of Alberta implements a plan to legalise the sale of cannabis, a group…

Credit union embraces digital marketing to reach younger members

Figures show that 96% of the credit union’s new members now join online – while 99%…

Co-op van showcases Rochdale’s role in the birthplace of the co-operative movement

The van is being used as part of a flowerbed to show that co-operation is 'alive…

Preview: Global Conference and General Assembly in Malaysia

As the International Co-operative Alliance prepares to gather in Kuala Lumpur, we look at what to…

Three million co-ops employ almost 10% of world population

There are 280 million employed by almost three million co-ops around the world

Gro Harlem Brundtland to close the Alliance’s Global Conference in Malaysia

The 'Mother of Sustainability’ and former Norwegian prime minister will talk about how to build a…

Regulatory changes for credit unions across the world

WOCCU has highlighted important measures enacted in Australia, the UK, Canada and Brazil

Our view: Solutions to a growing food crisis

Retail co-ops around the UK support around 1,400 local producers – which is one way to…

Co-ops leading flood damage rehabilitation programme in Nepal

The four days of heavy rain beginning on 11 August led to the death of 123…

Co-op Bank donates £20,000 to emergency appeal for co-ops hit by natural disasters

'Our donation, along with those from the wider co-operative movement, will help those communities who need…

Cooperatives Europe responds to Juncker’s State of the Union speech

The address was criticised for failing to mention the social economy and co-operative enterprises