North America

All North America news articles

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US Senator stirs debate over tax exemption for federal credit unions

Senator Orrin Hatch is challenging the exemption on the grounds that credit unions are moving away…

How co-ops can help spread the benefits of automation

'Ownership is the ground where the tug-of-war for the next social contracts is being played. Who…

Future of work: Cincinnati experiments with co-op/union hybrid

A city hit by high unemployment is looking to examples abroad and from US history to…

Credit unions work together on strategy, solutions and experience

CO-OP Financial Services in the US wants to provide 'a tangible platform for collaborating on shared…

US credit union offers banking services for medical cannabis businesses

'We will help remove large sums of cash from our streets, making the environment safer for…

Local co-op search engine runs shares issue in Austin, Texas

'The people of Austin will be showing the world a sustainable way to grow communities in…

Desjardins adopts policy to combat climate change

New policies at the financial co-op include direct investment in renewables and reducing the carbon footprint…

Tracing Jackson, Mississippi’s fight for a future based on co-operation

This book traces the efforts of activists to radically transform their city, drawing on the civil…

Kwanzaa: African Americans end the year with celebration of co-op economics

The festival, created by leaders of the Black Power movement in the 1960s, is focused on…

Leading agri co-op CHS elects new farmer-directors to board

Directors must be full-time farmers or ranchers to serve on the board of the energy, grains…

US agri co-ops expand soy crushing capacity to meet rising global demand

The growth of a global middle class has boosted demand for meat leading to a greater…

US electric co-ops join industry effort to restore power to storm-hit Puerto Rico

The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association is working with investor-owned and community-owned companies to organise recovery…