
All Colombia news articles

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Co-op principles in care provision: a Colombian case study

'It’s important to value and respect what is already happening within the territory'

Fairtrade Foundation launches fairer incomes campaign ahead of International Coffee Day

Fairtrade has raised its minimum price for coffee to $1.80 per pound as climate change increases…

Fairtrade and retail: How farmers benefit from your purchases

As producers struggle with input cost inflation and climate change, Fairtrade is more vital than ever

A co-op solution to securing better livelihoods for waste pickers

Of the 20 million waste pickers around the world, only four million are in formal employment:…

Colombian government takes steps to include co-ops in public procurement

National sector apex Confecoop welcomed a decree which says public contracts should be tailored to participation…

Colombia’s financial co-ops to receive expert support with digitisation

The digital acceleration programme will run for 13 weeks

Living our co-operative identity to make a sustainable future for all

'Co-operatives focus on long-term sustainability rather than profit for shareholders and wealth creation alone'

Health co-ops continue to battle against Covid-19

'Our co-op identity commits us to a humanised healthcare approach ... that places people at the…

Woccu helps Venezuelan refugees in Colombia access financial services

Woccu says the pilot has led to greater financial inclusion and education, as well as social…

Co-ops mentioned as key actors in Colombia’s national development plan

The law adds that public institutions need to support the sector so it can grow further

The International Co-operative Alliance is looking for youth ambassadors

The scheme is open to people aged 18-35 in one of eight participating countries

Woccu project provides financial services to rural Colombian communities

The project has passed its original goal of delivering financial services to 210,000 rural, low-income Colombians