United Kingdom

All United Kingdom news articles

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Sector body confirms Co-operative Bank can keep its co-op name

'We welcome the new capital agreement for the Co-operative Bank and can confirm that the bank…

Regulatory and tax changes have slowed the growth of community energy

The Community Energy Conference heard a number of projects had stalled after controversial government policy changes

Remploy helps young people with a learning disability onto the jobs ladder

The social business is in the second year of a partnership with Gloucester College offering a…

Co-op loan helps upgrade of two community-run leisure centres

Co-operative & Community Finance is providing loans to a community benefit society which operates services transferred…

Co-op Bank is no longer up for sale

Bank expects to reach a deal with existing investors

The Small Things making a Big Difference at East of England

East of England has launched a new campaign to share stories of the little things it…

Midcounties awarded top rating in BitC’s 2017 Corporate Responsibility Index

The society, one of just three organisations to gain the top rating, was recognised for its…

Co-ops in Scotland: Why they are vital to the government’s policy agenda

The ICA’s Global Research Conference in Stirling looked at how the co-op ethos remains embedded in…

Celebrating Co-operatives Fortnight in the birthplace of modern co-operation

Rochdale is flying the flag for the movement, with events at the Pioneers Museum and support…

Northern Ireland marks Co-operatives Fortnight with survey of the sector

Co-operative Alternatives – Northern Ireland’s leading co-op development agency – wants to know how people view…

The annual co-op report: finances remain steady, while membership grows

The collective turnover of UK co-operatives stands at £35.7bn, says the report – and an extra…

New plastic film developed to help Co-op Group hit recycling target

The Group is partnered with a specialist firm, Coveris, which has created the new product to…