ICA-Americas, a regional organisation of the International Co-operative Alliance, is compiling data for a statistical observatory on co-ops on the continent.
The project aims to demonstrate the impact of co-ops in the Americas, from an economic, social and environmental perspective. ICA Americas will also use the updated database as an advocacy tool to show the sector’s wide reach and contributions – and its contribution to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
Gathering and analysing statistical information forms part of the 2020-2023 Strategic Plan of ICA-Americas. The project also falls in line with a resolution adopted at the 19th International Conference of Labor Statisticians (ICLS), held in October 2013 in Geneva, where government representatives, workers and employers recognised and recalled the need to generate statistics on co-operatives in all countries of the world.
ICA-Americas is currently collecting information from first, second and third degree co-operatives, mutuals, credit unions and other co-operative enterprises, regardless of whether they are members of the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) or not.
To participate in this initiative, co-ops must fill out the following form:
• Spanish: https://forms.gle/wpPVBSC6PgWHmmjh8
• English: https://forms.gle/ACgosteb5Vs6G1cn7
• Portuguese: https: //forms.gle/nLp9PwJoCAvFRmZL9
More information on the project is available at observatorio@aciamericas.cooop.