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ICA General Assembly elects new global board in Seville

Delegates also heard from Coop Ukraine

ICA re-elects Ariel Guarco as president

The vote, at the General Assembly in Seville, saw Mr Guarco finish ahead of Jean-Louis Bancel…

Seville welcomes global co-operative movement to ICA General Assembly

Presented with examples of the contribution co-ops make to the Andalucían economy, delegates were urged to…

International Labour Conference adopts conclusions on decent work and the SSE

A definition has been proposed for the social and solidarity economy and the document includes a…

Canadian co-ops share lessons learnt during the pandemic

Researchers, co-op farmers and worker co-op leaders shared their insights at the annual congress of sector…

Co-op Congress to include discussions of new worker co-op body

All worker co-op members of Co-operatives UK are invited to attend the session

Labour/Co-op MP introduces bill to improve co-ops’ access to capital

Sir Mark Hendrick has put forward a private members' bill to amend the law governing the…

Alberta co-ops take centre stage as Canadian movement begins annual congress

Report from the opening session of the event in Calgary, organised by apex body Co-operatives and…

Meet … Sara Dunham, travel and leisure chief at Midcounties

'The pandemic made me think more about what was really important. It was an opportunity to…

Co-op Group links up with Microsoft to launch food waste platform

Caboodle, a non-profit digital service, will link shops and hospitalities with community groups to redistribute surplus…

New solar array sees New Mexico electric co-op offer 100% daytime clean power

Kit Carson electric co-op is stepping up its renewables offer after buying its way out of…

Community energy ‘needs government backing in fight against climate change’

A report on the UK sector says it can help with rising energy bills and support…