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Southern Co-op widens scope of its emissions reduction targets

The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) says the society’s plans are in line with what is…

Woccu appoints its first woman CEO

Elissa McCarter LaBorde has led development non-profit Vitas Group since 2009

Co-op Group brings in new pregnancy-loss support for colleagues

The policy, which includes any affected parent, includes flexible paid leave, time off for medical appointments,…

Small scale, big change: Community Energy Conference plans the renewables revolution

The conference looked at ways of working with communities to drive the move away from fossil…

EU international development budget recognises co-ops

Cooperatives Europe welcomed the recognition of co-ops as development actors contributing to sustainable development

Co-op Party launches Chris Herries Mentoring Scheme

The aim is to help women from underrepresented backgrounds and communities to become active members within…

UK Co-op Congress 2021: We Are The Rebuilders

'A co-operative is a place where people share ideas, and they share a vision. But we…

Co-ops react to EU provisional CAP reform agreement

The deal will see 25% of the direct payments budget set aside to fund new eco-schemes

Worldwide Foundation for Credit Unions distributes 30,000 masks to five countries

The masks were donated by the National Credit Union Federation of Korea

Tamworth Co-op reports trading surplus of £1.5m for 2020

The society’s annual report set out the effects of the pandemic on its trading and financial…

Community energy sector hit hard by loss of government support

Community energy has suffered another ‘worst year ever’ with new generation installations half what they were…

A resilient co-op economy

'Why are co-ops so resilient? Because the co-operative purpose, ownership and governance all dictate long-termism'