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First Milk pledges to go zero carbon by 2040

Other sustainability promises include a reduced target for antibiotic use in cattle

Scotland’s farm co-ops set out policy wishlist for next government

Co-operation, and working together effectively, in whatever form, are more vital than ever to achieve the…

Preston Council agrees to join Liverpool and Wirral on regional mutual bank

The North West Mutual Bank will help the authority develop its community wealth building initiative

Worker co-ops launch new policy platform in New York

The platform recommends direct investment in the sector and the creation of community-controlled working spaces

Co-operative Development Scotland launches inclusive economy podcasts

The enterprise body has created the series to show how co-ops and EO models can help…

Fonterra reports NZ$391m profit after tax in 2021 interim results

'Despite the major impact Covid-19 is having around the world, the co-op is staying focused on…

New business accelerator launched for UK platform co-ops

Co-operatives UK and Stir to Action are leading two UnFound porgrammes this year, funded by the…

Obituary: Stan Newens, co-operator who served the movement as MP and MEP

A lifelong advocate of social justice who also served as president of the London Co-operative Society

Wales Co-operative Centre joins digital exclusion campaign

The Centre is already delivering a programme for the Welsh government to drive digital inclusion in…

Social economy organisations draw up wishlist for Europe’s sectoral plan

The European Commission is engaging with social economy networks to find out what they expect from…

Moroccan government plans a new generation of agricultural co-ops

Agriculture also accounts for 19% of Morocco’s Gross National Product

Dairy co-op First Milk launches scheme to protect Lake District watercourses

Mitigation and monitoring measures will be taken on farms supplying the co-op’s Wigton site