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Covid-19: Co-op and mutual insurers respond to crisis

Insurers face a tough year with an increase in payouts and investment losses from the pandemic.

Covid-19: US co-ops ask Small Business Administration to clarify relief eligibility

The not-for-profit status of co-ops means they do not fit the definition of a small business…

Top seven co-operative tech alternatives for working from home during Covid-19

We made a list of co-operative alternatives to some of the most used tech tools.

Fairtrade International releases new guidance to help farmers cope with Covid-19

Fairtrade International announced new measures to help workers and farmers

UK’s retail co-ops continue their response to Covid-19

Co-op News will bring continued round-ups from the efforts of the UK retail co-op movement during…

Co-op movement pays tribute to Ted Graham

Ed Mayo, Dame Pauline Green, David Rodgers are among those sharing their memories of Lord Graham

Obituary: Lord Graham of Edmonton, a giant of co-operation

Remembering Ted Graham, a lifelong stalwart of the UK co-operative movement

Worker co-op sector continues to grow in the USA

The sector includes 465 known worker co-ops with 6,454 members and estimated revenue of US$505m

Free marketing services for credit unions

'By their nature credit unions are more trusted and can differentiate themselves through digital marketing'

Covid-19: Updates from 31 March

The latest responses from around the world

Woccu welcomes Covid-19 flexibility shown by international regulators

Regulatory flexibility enables credit unions to meet the financial needs of their members during the crisis,…

French agri co-op starts producing hand sanitiser

Vivescia began production to supply its own workers and has now stepped up output to supply…